You will want to make sure that the strumming patterns are easy to play, but also that they sound good. This is where you will need to use your best judgment. Once you have the chords and notes charted out, you can start adding in the strumming patterns. Once you have the chords charted, you can start adding in the notes for the guitar solo. You will want to start by charting out the chords for the song. Once you have the song open in Guitar Pro, you need to start charting it out. There are a few different programs you can use, but we recommend using Guitar Pro. Once you have the song, you need to open it up in a charting program. You can find songs online, or you can rip them from CDs. The first thing you need to do is find the song you want to chart. Here is a guide on how to chart custom songs for Guitar Hero.

This can be a great way to get some extra practice in, or just to have some fun with your friends.

One of the great things about Guitar Hero is that you can chart your own songs to play.