
X ray auto installer 1.12.2
X ray auto installer 1.12.2

x ray auto installer 1.12.2

From the dropdown menu, choose the profile that OptiFine created.

x ray auto installer 1.12.2 x ray auto installer 1.12.2

Once finished, a pop-up message will indicate that OptiFine has been successfully installed.In the window that will appear, click on “ Install.” Quick tip: OptiFine requires Java, so download and install it before launching OptiFine installer. After completing the download, the game will start automatically, close it, and go to the next step.It will start downloading the latest version, in this case, 1.19.3. If not, choose version 1.19.3, press “Play”. You will see a dropdown menu in the lower-left corner that says “Latest Release”, check if it says 1.19.3. You will mostly need OptiFine does all the magic behind the codes the second requirement is the Shader Packs themselves. The Shaders function doesn’t come by default in Minecraft Java Edition, which requires the external installation and download processes, but the whole process is quite simple.

X ray auto installer 1.12.2